Solutions For Cebu From HMR Trading Haus And Cinema
Problem: You're a Unionbank Cardholder and you want to buy supplies that can help you produce your Bisaya Short Film or video assignment for your corporate work, and you want your Unionbank card to help you score rewards.
You also want a store that sells pre-loved items because you don't want anything to waste. Where do you go?
Solution: Go to HMR Cebu, where Unionbank Cardholders can get Annual Fees Waived and Other Rebate Incentives, and where you can buy the crossbow probably used in The Walking Dead, the Kayak probably used in Meryl Streep's movies and other consumer items that may or may not change your life.
Visit HMR Trading Haus, Mandaue for more details or their FB page for more offers and discounts and ideas what materials to buy to shoot your own film. Watch also the movie Brief Interviews with Hideous Men to have ideas to solve your Cebuano issues, such as Traffic in Mandaue and Money.
Here are some of the stuff to buy at HMR